My Ipod died today.
It was nearly 4 years old, i got it as a Christmas gift about 3 weeks after i'd started at Women's Health. I remember thinking this must be a pretty good place to work if they were dispensing such generous, cool gifts. I was seeing someone new and I already had an Ipod, so i made a generous, cool gesture and offered it to my beau. He turned me down, and much later he confessed that it had made him uncomfortable, was too much too soon. So I kept it, good thing, because i eventually lost the other one on a trip to Mexico City. I got a lot of use from it, and a lot of good memories: walking to work, laughing out loud from podcasts of This American Life; all the times i danced to myself, sometimes quietly, sometimes less quietly, always joyfully; all the times i hit play/repeat/play/repeat for songs that i loved; after i lost my job when i laid on the floor of the gym and sobbed out of fear and defeat, courtesy of "Eye of the Tiger." I loved that little 2GB.
When it couldn't be resuscitated, when ITunes claimed it no longer recognized it, when it fritzed and blinked repeatedly through a cycle of nonsense messages before fading back out, I knew it was time to let go. I took it out of my apartment, thanked it, kissed it, and sent it down the garbage chute. Be well in your next life, tiny one.
After a proper and respectful mourning period, I'll be ready to move on. Maybe to a shiny new blue one.
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