I've sometimes used the expression "sober" but something about that feels insulting to those who stopped drinking because they've struggled with alcohol. I haven't struggled at all, I don't drink that often and I'm a total lightweight when i do. I'm not drinking now but I assume I'll go back to it, so again, "sober" doesn't feel quite right.
Maybe "indefinitely sober?" "Intermediate sobriety?" Whatever. I'm not drinking now and I haven't for 84 days. What started out as a diet and workout aid has taken on a life of it's own. In my current unpredictable life state, it's one constant. I may not always make the right choices at the gym or with my food, but this is a decision i've refused to unmake. It feels good to stand steadfastly by this one commitment.
I've gotten lots of raised eyebrows, a few pats on the back, a few dismissive shrugs. Some people make subtle, defensive grips around their glass like I'm going to suggest they stop drinking too, right now! Again, whatever. This isn't college anymore, ultimately no one is that interested in my consumption or lack thereof.
But today is an anniversary, so let's celebrate. A club soda with lime, please.
Happy Soberversary!