Thursday, June 18, 2009

Soon you will be mine, continued

Today's post is dedicated to the memory of Steve Kessler. 

The all-day cheat is coming! I bundled myself against the pouring-ass rain and headed out to Brooklyn to get those chocolate-covered graham crackers. [I'd planned to order them online but the FedEx shipping charges were ludicrous, and hey, I don't have anything else to do. Adventure!] Atlantic Avenue is not charming, cobblestone-street Brooklyn, but the Nunu Chocolates store was delightful. It was empty--not surprising considering the weather--and a young woman working there named Rachel had lit some candles and was working on a laptop at a large farm table in the middle of the room. We chatted, she told me about the owner Justine, who made the chocolates, and their renovation plans to create an on-view production station and a bar; customers can come in a have a drink and watch chocolate being made. Not bad, right? I asked her if she'd gotten sick of munching on the product and she admitted she hadn't, she could still make a decent go of it. 

Of course i wound up buying more than just the graham crackers. At left, peanut butter caramels, at the top, salted caramels. 

I'm going to share, I swear! 

1 comment:

  1. I'd fight you for the salted caramels .. but I'm not sure I'd bear crawl across a football field for them. At that point, I'd rather pay the FedEx charges or make my own trip to Brooklyn.
