Saturday, June 6, 2009

A pitcher of lemonade

Shortly after being laid off i started a series of plucky Facebook posts about the new advantages of freedom I was discovering, based on the adage "when life hands you lemons, make lemonade!" I had several people tell me I should spin this into some kind of regular feature, but they became repetitive and as panic over finding my next job has set in, my thoughts have leaned a bit more toward absinthe. 

The Lemonade List still has potential to grow, but in the meantime, here's a compendium:

Making lemonade #1: The gym is so nice after the morning rush!

Making lemonade #2: Now I'm home at 5:00 to watch Barefoot Contessa. I love Ina!

Making lemonade #3: it's easy to get a table at Balthazar for a Tuesday afternoon!

Making lemonade #4: i'm in no rush to get anywhere after Pilates, time for the Milk Bar! And the Union Square Greenmarket!

Making lemonade #5: being able to enjoy my family without work stress hanging over my head. Happy Mother's Day!!

Making lemonade #6: I can see the new Terminator movie that afternoon! I can't resist Christian Bale in a big loud summer blow-up.

Making lemonade #7: now have ample free time to build a time machine to take me to 1957 Paris. Get to the Avedon show at ICP, everyone! Is to die.

Making lemonade #8: no post-holiday weekend dread.

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